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Get a Library Card

Area residents may join the library free of charge with proof of residency (for example, a driver’s license, or a combination of official identification with a rental agreement or utility bill).

Members’ responsibilities

  • Each person can have only one active library card.
  • You are responsible for all the materials borrowed on your card and for any charges on items that are overdue, lost or damaged. (See Loan Periods and Fines for details).
  • Parents are responsible for activity on a child’s card.
  • Adults may not borrow material for their own use on youth or children’s library cards.
  • Your library card provides Internet access in the library and personal access to some licensed databases from outside the library. Your card cannot be used by another person, group or institution to access licensed databases. Access to these databases (or electronic resources) is governed by license agreements and varies based on your city of residence.


All library cards will expire after 3 years, at which time you will need to show official identification to renew your membership.

Lost card?

If you lose your library card, contact us immediately so we prevent anyone else from using it.

Change of address or password

It is important for us to have your current information. If you change your address or other personal information, contact the library and we’ll update your record.

Visiting other libraries

Any B.C. library cardholder can get a free BC OneCard decal by visiting another public library in the province. Library users only need to provide a valid public library card and a current ID with proof of current address.